Do you ever feel completely lost when it comes to the future? Do you feel there are times when it seems like everyone else knows what to do, yet you are completely clueless?
Having a life vision allows you get more clarity around your future and what you want to get out of it. Since we all have different goals and dreams for the future, getting clear on your vision will help you create a path that feels the most fulfilling to you.
The first thing to do is to ask yourself what success really means to you?
In my coaching engagements I typically run the “wheel of life” assessment with my clients to help them build their vision board. If you want to start creating a vision for your future, here’s where to start. Ask yourself these questions across the following areas of your life.
1. Personal Life
- What are you doing to improve yourself as a person?
- How are you nourishing your mind, body, and soul?
- What kind of goals have you set for yourself to achieve?
2. Career
- How satisfied are you with your current work?
- Where do you want to reach in your career?
- Are you on the right track to reach your career goals?
3. Relationships
- What is the quality of your relationship with your family?
- Do you spend quality time with friends often?
- Do you share an intimate romantic relationship in your life?
4. Financial
- What are the financial goals you have set for yourself?
- Are you able to manage your expenses well?
- Have you planned your savings well?
5. Health
- What are you doing to stay healthy and fit?
- Are you taking a balanced diet to stay fit?
- Are you free from disease and illness?
6. Recreation
- What do you do in your free time?
- What hobbies are you pursuing?
- Do you take periodic vacation for rejuvenation?
7. Community
- Do you enjoy getting engaged with community activities?
- What is your role in your community?
- How are you helping others?
After you’ve visualized, write them down and periodically visit them to review where you are placed with respect to the vision plan. There is a possibility that things that were once your top priority can be replaced by another aspect. And that’s perfectly okay.
Also one needn’t worry about whether their vision will make sense in years to come. The key is to focus on what you want out of life at this current moment and move forward with it.
Working with a life coach can help you assess your wheel of life better and thereby build your vision plan for the future in a systematic manner.